- 1963
- Construction Machinery Division established in Sumitomo Machinery Industries Co., Ltd. (Now Sumitomo Heavy Industries, Ltd.)
- Technical cooperation with the U.S. Link-Belt Corp. (currently FMC) for excavators &cranes.
- General domestic sales agent of Sumitomo Construction Machinery Sales Co., Ltd. established as a sales corporation with 100 million yen capital, fully owned by Sumitomo Machinery Industries Co., Ltd.
- 1964
- Begin sales of mechanical excavators and mechanical truck cranes under the Sumitomo-Link Belt brand.
- 1967
- Begin sales of hydraulic excavators.
- 1969
- Name of sales corporation changed to Sumitomo Heavy Construction Machinery Sales Co., Ltd.

- 1970
- Begin sales of hydraulic truck cranes.
- 1972
- Joint development agreement formed with Link-Belt Corp., establishing system with international division of work.
- 1974
- Aichi Operator Training Center established.
- 1975
- Chiba factory established, reinforcing production of hydraulic excavators.
- 1976
- Export of hydraulic excavators made by Sumitomo Machinery Industries to FMC Corporation for the U.S. market.

- 1983
- Name of sales corporation changed to Sumitomo Heavy Construction Machinery Co., Ltd.
- Overseas Sales Department established in the sales corporation, and the Overseas Headquarters Construction Machinery Sales Dept. is transferred from Sumitomo Heavy Machinery Industries, unifying construction machinery sales.
- 1986
- Link Belt Construction Equipment Company (LBCE) established in U.S., for full scale entry into the U.S. market.
- Construction Machinery Division spun off from Sumitomo Heavy Machinery Industries Co., Ltd., and established as Sumitomo Construction Machinery Co., Ltd.
- Sumitomo Construction Machinery Co., Ltd. merges with Sumitomo Heavy Construction Machinery Co., Ltd., becoming a company specializing in combined manufacturing and sales of construction machinery.

- 1991
- Niihama factory established.
- JCB-SCM Limited (JSL) established as a joint venture with JCB of the UK.
- Full scale entry into Europe market.
- Katori Laboratory established.
- 1992
- OEM supply contract for hydraulic excavators formed with U.S. Case Corporation.
- 1998
- Niihama factory is closed.
- Joint venture with JCB of UK is ended, and global alliance signed with U.S. Case Corporation. LBX Company established as a manufacturing and sales base of excavators in North America.
- 1999
- Directly owned sales corporations are established dividing Japan into 7 sales regions, establishing the domestic sales structure.

- 2001
- Divided into: Sumitomo Construction Machinery Co., Ltd. ; Sumitomo Construction Machinery Sale Co., Ltd. ; Sumitomo Construction Machinery Manufacturing Co., Ltd. ; Sumitomo Heavy Industries Construction Crane Co., Ltd.
- 2002
- Purchased the asphalt finisher business of Niigata Iron Works Co., Ltd.
- 2004
- Sumiju SCE (Xiamen) Construction Machinery Co., Ltd. established in China to manage construction machinery sales and service.
- 2007
- In recognition of support for the victims of the hurricane that hit the USA in 2005, commendation is received from the Emperor of Japan.
- The“LEGEST”(SH200-5, SH240-5) hydraulic excavators receive the“Good Design Award”.
- 2008
- The“LEGEST”(SH200-5) hydraulic excavator receives the“Grand Award for Energy Conservation”, awarded by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry.
- 2009
- Sumitomo Construction Machinery (Tangshan) Co., Ltd. established in Tangshan City, Hebei Province, China.

- 2010
- Sales company P.T. Sumitomo Construction Machinery Southeast Asia established in Indonesia to conduct sales in the ASEAN region.
- 2011
- Manufacturing factory P.T. Sumitomo Construction Machinery Indonesia established in Indonesia.
- 2014
- The LEGEST (SH200-6) hydraulic excavator receives the Energy Conserving Machinery Award from the Japan Machinery Federation.
- Technical tie-up with CNH Industrial N.V. for hydraulic excavators.
- Minimum Swing Radius hydraulic excavator SH135X-6 receives the“ Good Design Best 100” and also safety operating support system “Field View Monitor (FVM)” receives the“ Good Design Award”.
- 2015
- Training Center established in Chiba.
- 2017
- Osaka Operator Training Center established.
- 2018
ICT Training Center established in Nagoya.
The LEGEST (SH200-7) hydraulic excavator receives the Energy Conserving Machinery Award from the Japan Machinery Federation.

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